Thursday, April 21, 2011


The money! The power! The fame! The lies and the games!
9 hours a day. To buy all the things we crave! There’s no need to save.
The clothes and the raves! Is this the future we’re trying to pave?
We’ve forgotten how to behave. Because no matter what He saves! Right?
We accumulate, and assimilate and leave it all up to fate.
And hope someday we’ll see the pearly gates.
We beg borrow and steal. So we don’t really have to feel the upward battle.
If we could fly from mountain top to mountain top and never see the valley
We would, because to rally would cut into our plans
We’re too busy gathering up our fans
And building our name, so that our portion is fame
How lame
So let’s say we get what we want
We get to autograph and have a room full of staff
We climb the ladders of success, just to stay “fresh”
And once in awhile we bless, by throwing money at a good cause
Just to make jaws drop
“How generous how kind, she totally blows my mind!”
And we blow them kisses, because they make us feel good about our riches
But deep down our heart is torn, we need stitches
There’s only one that can fix this
Put Him on your wish list, He’ll wash clean all your dirty dishes
Welcome you with open arms, no tsk tsk
It’s not too late, just turn around don’t miss this!
Because when He blows you kisses, it’s because you are His riches 

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