Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Despierta tu vida normal usted puede hacer lo que quieras

I never realized I had a heart for "missions" until I was taken out of my comfort zone and planted in the midst of poverty for 4 days. Mexico was never somewhere I expected to visit, let alone minister at. After this trip however, I've finally realized that God does know me better than I profess to know myself! 

I was told over and over of the dangers I would encounter, and honestly it did create an ounce of panic within me. But when I got there, I quickly realized how poorly portrayed third world counties really are. To quote a friend, "there aren't heads rolling around the streets, and drug lords taking people captive." I actually found it quite amusing how easily we believe what the media sells us.  

~we got to paint with them (mine: left ashley's: right) ~

I had a "perspective-altering" experience in Mexico, and I thank God so much for trusting me enough with his people out there, to have sent me. I found myself weeping in services I barely understood. In my personal prayer time, just opening the Bible led me to tears. The trip was more than just kicking around a muddy ball or playing tag with some orphans. I fell in love with these people. Being with them allowed me to experience the ache of a love sick heart. I realized that if just by 'being' with these kids they could get a glimpse of God's insane love for them, I'd spend my life on them. 

~ that smile stole my heart ~

It was great to be out in the beauty of God's creation with no technological distractions. It was just me and God and it was perfect. Don't get me wrong Im not selling my computer and phone and moving to the mountains (just yet), but it was truly refreshing to have 4 uninterrupted days with God and His people. 

We stayed with five girls; all from different walks of life who have set aside their agendas and are trusting God with their time and resources. Their lives touched mine in more ways than I can express. 

~ jesse making us banana pancakes ~

The title of this post means "wake up your normal life, you can do whatever you want to." If it's missions that is on your heart, plan a trip. Even a small inexpensive four day trip to Mexico can have a life altering effect on you. And if you do plan to go to Mexico; the "real" Mexico isn't Cabo or wherever else you can get in some beach time. I believe the heartbeat of Mexico is in a little village called Tecate filled with a group of people that are insanely in love with their creator. 

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a meaningful time. Will browse through the pictures once I'm off work.
